The CASARA Foundation
About the Foundation
The CASARA Foundation was first established in May 2004 (first bursary given out 15 May 04) and has awarded 35+ bursaries to individuals across Canada, exceeding $35,000.00+ to date.
Our bursaries hold preference to CASARA Members and their family with the maximum awarded of $5,000, and the average of $1,000 per bursary per recipient. The CASARA Foundation also gives out $1,000 to the Air Cadet League of Canada for a deserving Cadet to further his/her Pilot Training each year, based on The Air Cadet League's selection across Canada. The bursary funds are not provided directly to the recipient but sent to their school of choice. Any recipient needs to provide a proof of enrolment along with their student number and funding is sent to that school to be credited against their student account.
The managing members of the Foundation are CASARA's Past Presidents who run it on a day-to-day basis. The Board of Directors (BOD) all hold one vote each for the future of our bursary recipients and are usually decided upon at the end of the Spring, during our National AGM Board of Directors meetings.
Our Bursary
The CASARA Foundation Annual Bursary
The CASARA Foundation awards bursaries annually for applicants, with our largest contribution of up to $5,000 directed towards anyone interested in furthering their education.
1) Write a letter explaining who you are and what they are hoping to do with the funds.
2) Submit it to your Provincial or Territorial CASARA Director for endorsement.
3) The endorsed application will then be sent to the President of the Foundation.
APPLICATION END DATE: March 31st, 2024
2023 Volunteer Recipients
May 30th, 2023
- $1000.00 to Air Cadet of Canada
June 5th, 2023
- $1000.00 to Evan Cristelli
June 10th, 2023
- $1000.00 to Charlotte Brockman
2022 Volunteer Recipients
May 28th, 2022
- $1000.00 to Air Cadet of Canada
2021 Volunteer Recipients
May 15th, 2021
- $1000.00 to Spencer Littlefair
- $1000.00 to Sophie Conyers
2020 Volunteer Recipients
Oct 17th, 2020
- $1000.00 to Air Cadet League of Canada (ACLC)
- $1000.00 to KJ Allen at Alkan Air
- $1000.00 to F.Sgt Charley Cai at Pacific Flying Club
- $1000.00 to Arianna Terry from CASARA AB