Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems - Loc8 Software Highlight
Why using the latest technology is key in the "search" of search and rescue.
CASARA has been operating with Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) for some time, utilizing its remote capabilities and software additions to increase our effectiveness in search and rescue (SAR). With taskings involving RPAS units across the country, it has become an immense asset to our “Search and Rescue Toolbelt” to deploy. With that being said, we lead into Loc8!.
Loc8 is a Forensic Image Analysis software used in our SAR operations developed by company USR (Unmanned Research Systems). The Loc8 G2 software analyses images taken through video and compares the pixel colors with what is set as the target. For example, if you wanted to scan through a search area and look for certain shade of red - you can do that! Their Radiometric Data Toolset (RDT) tool allows you to do Thermal Imaging, which is used worldwide by police agencies, SAR teams, and more.

In Mooselake, MN, there was a perfect example of these capabilities and its effectiveness within SAR yet again. From the Moose Lake Star Gazette, posted March 6th, 2024 - there was a recent search for an older gentleman that was suffering from dementia. In this case, Loc8 G2 software was used to scan over a search area and take pictures. “Within an hour and a half, the analysis program identified an area of interest with a grouping of red pixels. We performed a closer analysis and determined this was the missing man.” (
An image tied with analysis software has continued to solidify just how much technology is improving the “Search” in Search and Rescue.